Saturday, January 5, 2013

Starting on Resolutions

Starting to do research into opening an Interior Design Business.

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year Resolutions

Just now getting my resoulutions organized since I am just now able to chill out. This year I am determined to do a few things to better my life.

1. Get a job by the end of Febuary at the latest
2. Sign back up for school once I have steady income
3. Get my license.
4. Be more consistent
5. Either through school or other means, pursue my passion of Interior Design
6. Get comfortable with my body, either by accepting myself now or getting to the weight I desire.

Life is rolling on and I am getting older. I need to get everything together because I am not responsible for just myself and seeing as that I will be 25 this year it is about time I start growing up.