Monday, May 19, 2014

Counting blessings in view of a not so good start

So I woke up at 7a.m. today feeling yucky and handed the phone to Sarah to watch tv and then promptly passed out till 8:30. Step one to bad mommy morning. Then I got up and did my yoga for the day and took a shower while Sarah was still watching her shows. Did not get her fed till 9:30ish which was step two. Step three is caving in and letting her watch a movie in the living room because I don't have the energy to do anything else. Today is aiming to just be a lazy mommy day and I feel horrible about it. However it does happen sometimes to everyone so I am allowing myself somewhat of a break. This sick day of mine came at bad timing because I was gone all afternoon yesterday and I always feel a little guilty for leaving her behind even if I did need the break. But...let us count the blessings. I woke up, Sarah's allergies are not driving her nuts today, (in)courage is starting community groups today and I already signed up, Yoga was simple today, coffee,word that we should get our car back by the end of the week. So overall the blessings always outweigh the problems. And thank God for that because He is ever merciful and loving.

(Yes, I know I started two sentences with But & And. Normally I would freak about this but my head is really to cloudy to care.)

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